A still image from a Vintage Home Movie shot at a gymnastics display on Super 8 film.

An impressive Gymnastics display at a school

The film featured in this Vintage Home Movie post was taken during an impressive Gymnastics display at either a school or a local leisure centre.

The film was shot on Super 8 Kodachrome film entirely indoors so was probably using one of the faster versions of that film; Kodachrome was actually available from speeds as low as 10 ASA all the way up to 200 ASA, so I would guess this film was one from the higher part of that range.

The film is basically split into two sections, one showing an individual gymnastics performance by a young boy and then a team display, and considering the light for the two parts is split between natural light for the first and artificial light for the second the colour balance stays remarkably good throughout.

Regarding detective work to try to find where and when the film was taken, I’ve been completely unsuccessful and have no information about that at all. It could be a school or a local community centre or sports hall; I don’t know if the display is by a local gymnastics club, the local school or a county grouping. That is a recurring problem for the films on Vintage Home Movies which were taken in an interior setting – it’s virtually impossible to trace it.

The only information I have is that the boy in the first half is probably called Carl, since that was the only information written on the envelope which held the film.

I’ve categorised the date of the film as the 1960s but it is also possible this was taken in the 1970s; Again with no clues in the film it is difficult to be certain.

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