Gifted Olympus 35 ECR rangefinder camera
The Olympus 35 ECR is a fully automatic, 35mm film camera with a fixed 42mm f/2.8 lens and rangefinder focusing aid which was produced by Olympus in the early 1970s.
The Olympus 35 ECR is a fully automatic, 35mm film camera with a fixed 42mm f/2.8 lens and rangefinder focusing aid which was produced by Olympus in the early 1970s.
A review of the Olympus Camedia C-5050 digital compact bridge camera which was produced by Olympus in 2003
The E-20p is a solid, well constructed camera with a really good set of controls making it simple to adjust almost any parameter you can think of as you take pictures.
The OM-40 is a manual focus, 35mm slr with various exposure modes, pattern or ‘off the film’ metering, DX coded automatic film speed selection and an improved viewfinder display.
Some sample photos taken during a trip to Cambridge with an Olympus E500 digital SLR camera
A review of the Olympus Evolt E-500 DSLR made by olympus in 2005 which features an 8 Mp, 4/3 sensor and a fully equipped exposure and metering system
A short post explaining how I fixed an Olympus OM2 35mm SLR camera that had a jammed shutter
This post follows on from the last in the series and covers reassembly of the OM-1n camera.
This post describes the procedure I used to strip down and repair an Olympus OM-1n 35mm SLR camera.
Some sample photos from an iconic camera from the 1970s, the Olympus OM-2
This is my review and impressions of a camera I first wanted to buy about 40 years ago when I started work and wanted to get myself a ‘good’ camera.
This is a review of the Olympus [mju:] II zoom 115, a 35mm point and shoot compact camera with auto focus, automatic exposure and a 3 zone meter.