A Site dedicated Vintage technology

Camera Type: Single lens Reflex

The Single Lens Reflex category covers camera which have a reflex mirror and can be focused optically by looking through the same lens that the camera will use to take the picture. This gives advantages for not only focus; the composition is also made easier by seeing the photo exactly as the picture will be taken.

Picture showing an Exakta shutter having the shutter curtains replaced
This article explains the technique I used to replace the shutter curtains in one of my aged Exakta cameras.
Exakta Varex IIb shutter repair and clean - shutter back in case for now
In this post I'm going to take a detailed look at the shutter used in the Exakta Varex series of cameras.
A photo of the Zenit 3M 35mm SLR vintage camera
This post looks at a classic 35 mm slr camera that started the career of many photographers, the Zenit 3M.
A Picture of the Pentax Z-50P autofocus SLR camera
The Pentax Z-50P provided a good mix of features for a reasonable price when released in 1994 and is even better value today.
A Picture of the Konica FS-1 camera
My post about the Konica FS-1, which is often said to be the first SLR with internal motor drive, but is that true?
A Picture of the Minolta Dynax 404 si 35mm film camera
This post looks at the Minolta Dynax 404 si 35mm SLR camera which Minolta produced towards the end of the 35mm film era.
Kodak Retina III S with shutter removed
A Short post looking at the repair of a Kodak Retina III S rangefinder camera.
Voigtlander Bessamatic 35mm SLR : Front view
The Voigtlander Bessamatic belongs to that family of 35mm SLR cameras which have a leaf shutter fitted between the lens and the mirror rather than a focal plane shutter fitted between the mirror and the film
Mamiya/Sekor 500 DTL 35mm SLR camera - Front view
This is a quick pictorial review of the Mamiya/Sekor 500 DTL 35mm SLR camera which was introduced by Mamiya in the late 1960s.
Nikon F-601 autofocus SLR - Front view of camera with 28 - 80 Nikon lens
This post looks at the Nikon F-601 autofocus, 35mm, slr camera which was one of the higher, midrange offerings in Nikon's line up of cameras in the early 1990s.
Minolta Dynax 60 SLR - Front view
This post is about the Minolta Dynax 60 autofocus 35mm SLR which was the last 35mm film camera which Minolta produced, and a pretty capable performer is was too.
Ricoh Singlex II 35mm Camera - Front of camera with Rikenon 50mm f/2 lens
The Ricoh Singlex II manual focus SLR camera was introduced by Ricoh in the mid 1970s as an improved version of their original Singlex TLS came
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