Camping holiday in the 1970s

Camping holiday in the 1970s
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Decade Taken

A Kodak colour slide taken during a camping holiday in, I would guess the 1970s.

Normally Kodak slides are either Kodachrome or Ektachrome, and they have their own distinctive slide mounts that show the date the slide was processed, but this slide was in a Gepe slide mount so that information was missing. I know it’s Kodak, because it’s printed on the edge of the film, so this is presumably either s slightly different Kodak film, or it’s a third party film that was actually made by Kodak.

I’m guessing the 1970s because of the car shown in the distance, and the pattern of the blanket hung over the washing line next to the tent.

The family who took this photo were, I would say, quite dedicated campers, because the tent is quite large and spacious, and the grill next to the table is also quite an advanced model.

The girl in the photo appears in many slides in the box I’m currently working through so will probably start a series which features her, so we can follow her progress through life captured in the slides her family took on their holidays.

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