This is a war memorial in the centre of Milan taken about 1960.
At first, this was a really difficult picture to pin down regarding location. I searched for 'war memorial', 'war memorial with statue', 'war memorial with statue and lion' and a whole set of other variants, but couldn't find this particular war memorial in google images. At one point, I tried to scan the man reading a newspaper in the picture to see if I could get some clues from that, but couldn't. In the end, I did a search on the words on the surrounding buildings and from that worked out it was Milan and found the location.
The picture shows a remarkably empty square with only three groups of people and some lone pigeons. The square has a very American look, with advertising for Coke Cola and Nescafe on the bill boards, and that was one of the confusions when looking for the location initially.
The date of 1960 was derived from the other slides in the series - I've chosen 1960 as mid way between the likely range of 1958 to 1962.