A picture of a bull being dragged from a bull ring at the end of a fight.
As someone who is opposed to blood sports like fox hunting, I find this a difficult picture to post, but the fact is it is history, and bull fighting was carried out when this picture was taken, so there is no valid reason not to post it. The picture shows a dead bull being dragged out of a bull ring by two horses after it's been killed in a bull fight. In the bottom right hand corner of the picture is a man with a brush, presumably covering the animal's blood with sand, and the matador is standing in the middle right of the picture. The size of the crowd indicates how popular this sport is, I can hardly find an empty seat in the stadium.
The location is unknown, presumably somewhere in Spain, but bullfighting does go on in other parts of the world as well so that location is not certain.
As for the date, I would think this is the late 1950s or early 1960s based on the date of the other slides in this set.