Some cars and other traffic turning left at a junction in Singapore, probably taken in about 1960.
This is another 127 medium format 'super slide' which was taken by a serviceman serving at the RAF Seletar base on Singapore Island in the early 1960s. It is a little bit mucky, which is most noticeable in the sky, but it's possible to make out the car models waiting to turn left - or at least it would be for anyone who is familiar with cars of the period. I can see a Citroen CV and what looks like a copy of a Mini (Riley Elf?), but that's as far as my car knowledge goes!
I don't know the exact location of this picture and Singapore is too big an Island to try and find it so if anyone recognises this junction or can find it on google maps, I'd be really pleased to know via the comments below.
Exact date is another unknown, so the estimate of 1960 is driven by the age of the other pictures in the series and comments from other people who have viewed the Singapore series here on Found-Film.